What 2017’s Best Kitchen Gadgets Are Made Of

If you think it's time to add something new your kitchen, consider these possibilities.

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March 29, 2017 3 min read

A good cutting board can be a chefs best friend. Every year brings more equipment for chefs and home cooks to try out in the kitchen. Of course, a student earning culinary certificate online can usually get by with just a few essential tools. Still, it’s fun to update your kitchen, and a new appliance may just open up some exciting possibilities for your cooking.

There are plenty of intriguing gadgets out there for home cooks and professional chefs alike. If you think it’s time to add something new to your kitchen, consider these possibilities:

1. Reading recipes off your butcher block

Every kitchen needs a high-quality cutting board or butcher block. A block can be customized for your kitchen, and – with regular cleaning and maintenance – last for many years. If you like, the surface where you cut up vegetables can even serve double duty. Some blocks are now designed to hold a tablet, allowing you to check a recipe or view a cooking video while you complete your prep work.

2. Always keep an eye on the flame

If you’ve ever had to deal with a stubborn gas stove, you may have found yourself repeatedly checking the flame on your burners. Of course, removing a pot or pan to inspect can unnecessarily slow down your preparation. That’s why some cooks have come to appreciate stove tops that make it simple to keep an eye on the flame without moving your food.

A reflective surface is situated on an accent at the back of the stove. As you cook, a simple glance will let you know if the flame is still burning. That way, you can skip bending over to check and start working more efficiently.

With the right equipment, homemade cider is easy and tasty.With the right equipment, creating your own homemade cider is simple and tasty.

3. Sipping home brewed hard cider

Many culinary enthusiasts have tried their hand at brewing beer. If you have a cider maker, a batch of a fruity alcoholic beverage can be easier and even tastier. Pick a recipe featuring flavors like apple, strawberry and raspberry, or pear and honey.

Combine the fruit with sugar, yeast and other add-ins, using the weight sensor to ensure you get the proportions just right. Then, let fermentation do its work. You can monitor conditions throughout the process, including temperature, pressure and alcohol content.

4. Apply science to your meals

For years, chefs have explored the possibilities of chemical transformations for making delicious and inventive creations. A starter kit allows you to get started on your experiments. Incorporate equipment like syringes and tubes, plus chemicals such as agar-agar powder, calcium lactate, sodium alginate and soy lecithin into your cooking.

Get started by trying out a few simple recipes. Paste Magazine suggested an arugula spaghetti, oysters with passion fruit caviar and transparent ravioli. Once you get to know the tools of the trade, you can explore some daring new creations of your own.

Culinary academy will teach you the skills you need to cook consistently delicious dishes. Sometimes, though, trying out a unique piece of equipment can bring fresh excitement into your recipes. This year, find a gadget that fits your style and see where it takes your cooking.

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