We’ve all probably had a bit more time to read this year. Topics including romance novels, white papers and hobby articles might have been included in your go-to list. We’re sharing a few more that you may want to add to that list.
In case you missed these the first time, here are the most popular articles that Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts published in 2020.
How To Start Your Own Food Truck
The lower costs of opening and smaller staffing requirements can make opening a food truck an attractive prospect for a chef or entrepreneur hoping to begin their own business.
Originally posted September 21, 2020.
How Ghost Kitchens & Ghost Restaurants Lower Startup Risks
Innovative entrepreneurs are now using two new, revolutionary concepts to start restaurants with less risk: “ghost kitchens” and “ghost restaurants.” See how they offer more flexibility, fewer barriers to entry, and lower startup risks than the traditional full-service restaurant model.
Originally posted October 5, 2020.
Culinary School Graduates Will Require New Skills Post COVID-19
Now more than ever, culinary school graduates can enhance their value by developing fundamental business skills in addition to an eye and taste for good and creative cuisine.
Originally posted May 18, 2020.
Is a Culinary Diploma or Degree Worth It?
People considering a culinary degree or diploma are often asked: “Why bother going to culinary school? Can’t you just learn on the job?” But by spending a brief time focusing on education, students can reap a host of benefits that the “work your way up” approach doesn’t offer. Plus, completing a culinary program may help graduates to achieve their goals more quickly.
Originally posted August 17, 2020.
Why Older Students Should Consider Culinary School
Career changes aren’t only a “young person’s” game. Older adults can also change careers with great success. In fact, one study showed that 82% of career changes over the age of 45 were successful! So if you love to cook, here’s why you should consider culinary school — at any age.
Originally posted November 2, 2020.