Escoffier Scholarship Foundation

The Escoffier Scholarship Foundation has transitioned from merit-based to need-based eligibility starting January 1, 2023.

The Escoffier Scholarship Foundation (ESF) has been established to assist students who demonstrate a passion for culinary and pastry arts but require additional financial assistance associated with direct institutional costs.

The ESF has a limited number of individual student awards up to $1000 that will vary in number based off each respective term start date and funds available. The institution will review student eligibility during the financial aid process and notify the students that were selected. Students must remain in good standing based on the conditions below to receive disbursements.

The ESF funds are not available for stipends.

Who Can Apply?

Click here to view eligibility requirements.

Request Information

Already enrolled as a student? Contact your financial aid advisor instead.

Competitive Culinary Arts Scholarships:

The scholarships in this category are eligible to be awarded together, but students cannot exceed the overall scholarship maximum of $7,500 in a residential or online diploma program or $15,000 in a residential or online Associate Degree program. Competitive Culinary Arts Scholarships are not limited to tuition but are eligible for any institutional expense. Students must enroll and start by October of the year graduating from high school.

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), ProStart® & SkillsUSA Competition Scholarship Awards

Scholarship Award: A qualified student competing in an Escoffier-sponsored or Escoffier identified food related event is eligible to receive the 1st – 3rd place scholarship awards National Level Each participant receives $500.00, 1st place: $7,000.00, 2nd place: $5,000.00, 3rd place: $3,000.00 State Level Each participant receives $500.00, 1st place: $5,000.00, 2nd place: $3,000.00, 3rd place: $2,000.00 Regional Level Each participant receives $500.00, 1st place: $3,000.00, 2nd place: $2,000.00, 3rd place: $1,500.00 Students must provide proof of the applicable competition award. We will contact the appropriate representative for confirmation. To provide proof of the applicable competition award, contact: Austin, TX campus: [email protected] | Boulder, CO campus: [email protected]  | Online Programs (offered through the Boulder, CO campus): [email protected]

Escoffier Crown High School Scholarship Competition

Scholarship Award: Saturday, November 2nd – Friday, December 13th, 2024! All registered participants who submit photos of their work and with proof of participation will receive a $500 scholarship toward an education at Escoffier. 1st place: $3,000,  2nd place: $2,000,  3rd place: $1,500, open to high school students graduating in 2025 or 2026 (seniors or juniors) who are interested in attending Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts (Residential or Distance Learning Programs). For more details go to this link: . To provide proof of the applicable competition award, contact: Austin, TX campus: [email protected]  |  Boulder, CO campus:  | Online Programs (offered through the Boulder, CO campus):

Young Escoffier High School Scholarship Competition (virtual & in-person)

Scholarship Award: Boulder: March 28, 2025 | Austin: May 2, 2025 | Virtual: March 10 – April 18, 2025: All registered participants with proof of participation for Boulder and Austin will receive a $500 scholarship toward an education at Escoffier. For our Virtual Competition, all registered participants who submit photos of their work and with proof of participation will receive a $500 scholarship toward an education at Escoffier. 1st place: $3,000 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,500, open to high school students graduating (seniors or juniors) who are interested in attending Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts (Residential or Distance Learning Programs). To provide proof of the applicable competition award, contact: Austin, TX campus: [email protected]  |  Boulder, CO campus: [email protected] |  Online Programs (offered through the Boulder, CO campus): [email protected]

Educational Ingredients Grant:

The Educational Ingredients Grant is designed to assist students with the purchasing of ingredients for assignments during their conditional period of enrollment. The grant is worth $100 and is offered to first-time enrolled students and previously enrolled students in all distance education programs offered by the Boulder campus, who have not earned academic credit at AESCA in any distance education or residential program. The Grant is contingent on the recipient meeting admissions requirements included in the Boulder Student Programs Catalog and financial aid is complete. This one-time grant of $100 will be distributed to qualified students during the second or third week of classes and will not be redistributed for any subsequent enrollments. Revised for January 2025 start cohort forward.

Work & Learn Education Partner Scholarship:

The Work & Learn Education Partner Scholarship is designed to support student-employees of approved Work & Learn employers who are passionate about culinary arts and are enrolled at Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts, either online or in person.

This tiered scholarship ranges from $1,000 to $5,250, depending on an approved Work & Learn employer’s tuition assistance program. The $1,000 scholarship tier is available to students whose employer contributes $0 – $1,999 in tuition assistance. For employer contributions of $2,000 – $5,250, the scholarship will match the amount provided from the employer. For example, if a student receives $2,500 from their employer in education benefits, they will be eligible to receive a $2,500 scholarship from Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts, therefore resulting in a total benefit of $5,000 to the student.

This scholarship is distributed over the entire duration of the program and is contingent on certain requirements being met such as valid proof of qualified employment and an approved tuition funding plan completed with our Financial Aid team. For more information and to check an employer’s Work & Learn partner status, contact Admissions at Escoffier at 877-452-5489 or [email protected].

View full scholarship requirements

Institutional Scholarship (IS):

An Institutional scholarship encompasses multiple categories and has one scholarship application award. The scholarships in this category are eligible to be awarded together, but students cannot exceed the overall scholarship maximum of $7,500 in a residential or online diploma program or $15,000 in a residential or online Associate Degree program. Institutional scholarships are not limited to tuition but are eligible for any institutional expense. Scholarships listed in this category are as follows (for the documentation requirements for these categories, please refer to the actual scholarship applications)

  • Passion Award (Residential and Online Programs)
  • Child/Spouse of Veteran (Residential Programs only)
  • Industry Grant (Residential Programs only)
  • Single Parent Grant (Residential Programs only)
  • Alumni (Residential and Online Programs)

Escoffier Spring Scholarship

The season of new beginnings is here—Escoffier’s Spring Scholarship is now open for applications! New students starting in the April or May 2025 term who apply and qualify for this scholarship may receive up to $2,500 towards total tuition at Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts Boulder, CO and Austin, TX residential programs. To apply, please contact our Boulder, CO campus: [email protected] or Austin, TX campus: [email protected].

International Scholarship:

Our International Scholarship is now open for application. Incoming students who meet the criteria of an international student are eligible to receive an award up to $10,000 toward total program tuition. This scholarship applies to all applicable distance education (online) and residential programs. Prospective students must receive an I-20 Form from Escoffier or meet the requirements of the International Student Services Fee (located in the Boulder campus catalog addendum), and submit a brief essay to qualify. To apply, please contact our Austin, TX campus: [email protected] or Boulder, CO campus: [email protected]. or our online programs at [email protected].

Colorado Restaurant Foundation

The Colorado Restaurant Foundation (CRF) is excited to announce their 2025 Scholarship application is now open! CRF will be offering more than $25,000 total in scholarships to Colorado resident students pursuing a degree in Hospitality. Please click here for the application.

This scholarship is open to all students currently enrolled in a culinary or hospitality program here in the state of Colorado or for current high school seniors who have committed to a hospitality program in Colorado. There are several awards this year, ranging from $2,500 to $5,000, but students only need to complete one application in order to be eligible for every award. The deadline for submissions is March 14th, 2025.

*The second round of the application process includes interviews with our scholarship committee in April.

Wine & Food Foundation Hospitality Scholarship:

Established for students of Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts Austin campus. These are $2,500 scholarships for those enrolled in the institution’s Associate of Applied Science Degree Programs for Culinary Arts and Pastry Arts. Here is the link to our general scholarships page and here is the link to the Escoffier-specific application.

Student Veteran Scholarship:

The Student Veteran Scholarship may be stacked with the Institutional scholarship category, but cannot exceed the overall scholarship maximum of $7,500 in a residential or online diploma program or $15,000 in a residential or online Associate Degree program.

A student that is eligible for Veterans Benefits (i.e., Chapter 33, 30, etc.) is eligible for the Veterans Scholarship without completing a FAFSA. Our Veteran scholarship is not limited to tuition but is eligible for any institutional expense. Students that have completed the admissions application process, validated their military status, and have a remaining financial need will be considered.

Other Scholarship Resources:

Additional possible sources of grants and scholarships for your research:

Les Dames d’Escoffier Legacy Award

Further information is available from the Legacy Awards Co-Chairs, Dames Alison Awerbuch at 914.631.3030 Ext. 526 or [email protected], or Sue Huffman Robison at 916.514.8048 or [email protected].

Center For The Advancement of Foodservice Education (CAFE)

Application for 2024 Community Outreach Award. Any questions, contact Mary Petersen at [email protected]

International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP)
455 South Forth Street
Louisville, KY 40202
502.581.9786 phone
502.589.3602 fax

Colorado Restaurant Association’s Education Fund
430 E. 7th Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
303.830.2972 phone
800.522.2973 phone
303.830.2973 fax

National Restaurant Association (NRA)
1200 17th St. NW
Washington, DC 20036-3907
202.331.5900 phone
202.331.2429 fax

American Culinary Federation (ACF)
180 Center Place Way
St. Augustine, FL 32085
800.624.9458 phone
904.825.4758 fax

American Dietetic Association (ADA)
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606
800.877.1600 phone

The James Beard Foundation
167 West 12th St.
New York, NY 10011
212.675.2984 phone
212.645.1438 fax

American Institute of Wine & Food (AIWF)
213-37 39th Avenue, Box 216
Bayside, NY 11361
800.274.2493 phone
718.522.0204 fax

Colorado Women’s Education Foundation
P.O. Box 1189
Boulder, CO 80306
303.443.2573 phone
720.564.0397 fax

Women’s Foodservice Forum
South Point Office Center
1650 West 82nd Street, Suite 650
Bloomington, MN 55431
866.368.8008 phone

International Food Service Executives Association (IFSEA)
2609 Surfwood Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89128
702.430.9217 phone
702.430.9223 fax

Kendall Ross Culinary Scholarship
The application deadline is Feb 18, 2025. If you have any questions about this scholarship or the platform, email [email protected]